Book 4: A Steadfast Love

Following the path of Sebastien, Sean, and Benji Bennett isn't an easy feat. Too bad life has a way of dismantling your world, leaving you to figure things out on your own. Tavious is the youngest member of the Bennett family, making his way through a maze full of roadblocks. Is he ready to step into the footsteps of those who paved the way before him?
He's a recent college graduate ready to take his profession by storm, but will he take this walk alone or have a willing companion by his side?
This is the final book in the Bennett Affair Series, however, it's followed by a novella (True Love: A Bennett Brothers Novella)

A sultry voice gets more transparent with every step I take. "Some celebrity is having a party here tonight." The female cop speaks into the cellphone, her back facing me. Her uniform fits like a glove all over, and the way she switches when she walks further pushes my curiosity.
She leans over the rail, ass pushed out, looking at her nails. Despite her profession, I can sense the femininity in her.
"Cool, I'll call you in the am." She ends the conversation then spins around eyes landing directly on me. I do my best to stand straight despite me being a lil’ shaky on my toes. I'm tipsy, and liquor is getting the best of me. But I'm not unstable enough to continue my pursuit and satisfy my curiosity.
"What are you doing? No one is permitted here. However, you are free to use the front entrance." Damn, this is a fine ass woman. Exerting her authority doesn't phase me, if anything, it intrigues me more when she holds a sneaky grin with perfectly arched brows examining me.
"Excuse me, miss. There isn't any sign stating such a rule." I pay close attention to my voice's cadence, being sure not to sound like my speech is slurred in my current state.
Mrs. Officer doesn't say anything at first. Instead, her body does the talking. So far, she's crossed her legs while standing in one spot. The closer I get to take a seat on the bench directly next to her, the more laborious her breathing gets.
It's when I occupy the chair nearby that her voice becomes evident. "I hear you, young buck." Seamlessly, she moves into my personal space, expelling sweet scents of lavender. "Why don't you get back inside and find your friends. You're a bit over the limit to drive, so I hope you have a designated driver." Playfully she taps my shoulder, damn near hitting my nose with hers.
I look up to the lady who's bent over, brows flexing for an answer. I take this moment to shoot my shot since she's chill enough on her post doing her job. "I may be young, but I know women."
Glossy, obsidian nails catch my attention when they fall onto her womanly hips. They were perfect for two things, bearing children and taking dick. Head tilted to the side, she growls, "Well, then you should know that I am not one to play games with."
I tower over her as I stand from the seat, "No disrespect. I would never make a bold move had we encountered in any other place. But we at a club, I'm a little tipsy, and I find you intriguing. Hell, you can't be mad that I find you attractive, Mrs. Officer." I make it a habit to speak the truth.
Again, she smiles at my attempt. But she doesn't stop doing her job. "That would be flattering if I wasn't dressed in my full uniform and out here just trying to protect and serve, sir. Let's get you inside safely." She reaches for my hand, pulling me near the entrance to go back into the club.
When she does let go, Mrs. Officer continues to lecture me on the importance of staying safe and making me promise not to get behind the wheel tonight. She got brownie points when she added that there are already enough people and things trying to take our black men out, she didn't need me foolishly adding to the deficit.
With one foot in the club and the other out, I had to thank her. "Thank you for your service, Mrs. Officer. It's been a pleasure meeting you tonight. I definitely won't forget your kindness towards me." She was far from forgettable. If I ever ran into her again, I would make sure I was batting one hundred, because something tells me that Mrs. Officer is one of a kind.
My quiet night was interrupted when in front of me, a yellow widebody vehicle approached. It slightly swerved across the median lines. I noticed the sharklike figure picking up speed the closer it got to the area where I was parked. I knew the driver couldn't identify my patrol car since I parked far off in the grass adjacent to the freeway. Although speeding during late nights was extremely dangerous, what worried me more was the sharp left-right movement of the headlights flashing brightly against my windshield.
Yellowbird halted in the middle of the street. "Is this fool crazy? What if a car comes flying out of nowhere. Why is this damn car stopping? That ain't no parking spot dummy." I cursed underneath my breath, then pulled out of my hideout and crept around. By the time I edged close enough, he was rolling again. No longer did the car race along the pavement but flowed within normal limits, so I was able to safely tail the driver. Maybe I'll check on the individual and let them off with a warning.
A pool of red and blue lights flashed from my car before the clown swung into a vacant parking lot of an abandoned bodega. 'DManTMB' filled the space on my laptop when I ran the license plate. It wasn't long before I got the 911 on a Mr. Tavious Bennett. The inscribed '18 below the PSU logo on his plate told me the owner of the vehicle graduated last year from Pristine Stanford University. And from the looks of this new model Corvette, this car had to be gifted to him.
Marching up to the driver's side, the passenger side window remained obstructed due to the dark tint. A ticket could be generated from that alone. I tapped twice, and no answer. What the heck is going on? I panicked for a second, this part of the job always had me on edge. My lids closed on the third attempt only for my knuckles to miss the mark. A cooling sensation stirred my senses, but it wasn't from the sharp winter breeze. It was from my closed hand, touching his cold cheek.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Officer. I don't think it's proper protocol to walk up to an unknown vehicle and assault an innocent man." Nowhere did I plan on having my knuckles hit his face. This was so unexpected. And embarrassing… shit, that's not what I intended to do, weirdo.
"Excuse me? What was that?" I jerked my hand back, gazing into lustrous eyes. This light-skinned brother was very charismatic. Charming for sure, but cocky as hell. His tongue swept over ample pink lips, then he smirked. His lengthy arms separated from the steering wheel onto his grey sweatpants. All of a sudden, the windows descended entirely, allowing me to view his matching neon interior. Splashes of yellow smeared the black leather seats and dashboard. He seized the stick in the center, easing his nerves before speaking, "I was very effective in my narrative, officer." The seat adjusted with a glide forward and his eyes squinted upward so he could inspect my badge. Strangely, he looked on with a sense of familiarity. As if he recognized me. But I for sure had no idea who he was.
Distressing emotions assaulted me when I realized that I hadn't done my duty after pulling him over. It's like I settled onto another planet. He had me so flustered with the way he was looking at me that I hadn't mentioned more than two words to him, and neither of those words was protocol. Get it together, Mel, I told myself before leaning in. "License and registration, please."
He stared then exploded into laughter. "Are you serious? I didn't think you'd be this vicious. You sucker punch me then come for me." Again, his tone suggested that this was lighthearted banter between two people who knew each other.
Stance remaining firm, I decided not to entertain him and repeated myself, "Again, license and registration, sir." He didn't fight it but shifted to the glove compartment to grab and hand over the items. It took no time at all to run his information. Tavious Miguel Bennett was born on November 1, 1995. 1995? Damn, he's young as hell. The top faded coily fro on his license was different than the low cut connecting to the face full of hair he currently rocked. Nothing adverse came back from the search, but his residential address was familiar. The condominium where he resided was only a few miles from my home and mostly held two-income families. Maybe buddy still lives with his parents.
Dark optics reflected from his rearview mirror while I accosted, "You never disclosed the reason for me being pulled over, Mrs. Officer." No man has ever turned me on by referring to me as such, and this was hardly the first, or tenth time that I've heard the tired line. Except for this time, I felt my nipples harden. Thank God my uniform and undershirt are thick enough to disguise the evidence of my body betraying me on the job. He cleared his throat, and his baritone voice streamed beautifully. "I didn't peg you as a woman of few words. From my recollection, you had a lot to say."
What did he mean from his recollection? I've been a cop for over five years, so it's plausible that we have crossed paths, but I felt like I would have remembered. But none of that matters. I need to keep this strictly business, so I decide to ignore his comment and finish up protocol. "Mr. Bennett. I pulled you over for speeding and swerving. The limit in this area is 45 mph, and you were going at least 65." I handed him his documents back and asked him to step out of his vehicle.
He snickered. "Wow! Step out? Is this really necessary?"
Is he serious? "Yes. Have you been drinking tonight? You were zigzagging in and out of lanes." There's nothing safe about that, and I needed to get to the bottom of it. I know he wasn't drunk because he invaded my personal space when he put his mouth in my face, accusing me of having ill intent for pulling him over. If my espresso stained skin wasn't rich enough, he would have caught me blushing at that accusation. "I will have you perform a field sobriety test." I needed to focus.
It's not like me to freeze in my position, but he had me stalling once he stepped out of the car to his full height. I was about to possibly arrest him and should have been focused on that, but something about this Bennett boy made me curious.
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Sean and Chelsea's story had the drama, comedic flare, love, and plenty of sex. A friend's to lover story. Strong, bold, and smart female who didn't take crap from anyone. Male had to mature into a man, but handled his business. Lots Lots of obstacles and barriers to overcome but worth the fight. Like the supporting characters.
Hands down the best read I've had in a while. I love Sean's personality and his story with Chelsea. This book had some much action and my emotions were everywhere! I found myself happy, sad, angry and shed a few tears. But OMG I love the other characters too. Riana had me dying laughing. I can not wait for the next series. I hope you do Benjis story next!!
I cried and laugh through the whole story. The love Chelsea and Sean shared felt so real. Very relatable but more than anything the story was a mix of love, drama, hurt but the ending was everything. I love a man that has a heart but can show the hell out if they have too. I’m ready for part 2. Hope it’s Benji this time and Riana because Riana is funny as crap.
Great story to read and kept me wanting more. Chelsea was a freak for Sean and was the same for her. This is a great friends to lovers read. I wonder if they invited Randall since they were cool now. I know this next book gonna be a hot mess with benji and riana nasty self.
This book was so real I felt like I was watching it on t v. Everyone had an awesome part, not planned just lived. You are an excellent writer keep up the good work. I was so busy reading the two books I didn't leave a review for the first book now I can.
Loved Benji and Riana. Benji was so sure of himself. cocky and confident. All sexy traits. Glad to see his family issues didn't become his downfall. Riana had her own issues and dealt with them a lot differently, but the two balanced one another out, even though Riana tried to fight it. Great read.
I enjoyed this story and already looking forward to the next one in the Bennett series. This story had drama, humor, and most of all steamy love scenes. Ri was a bit high strong at times and I think Benji was able to mellow her out. They both did their share of dealing with other people, but they always made their way back to each other. The story had some interesting turns with the other characters and the struggles they had to be overcome. I would definitively recommend you give this book a go. well done Ms. Marie.
The second story was good. Some of the rehash from the first book was spot on. The family dynamic on both parts in the story was deep. Family secrets can be a force to reckon with. Let's see what happens with the third Bennett brother.
I read the first book I liked it. When I saw the second book was out, I knew I had to read it. Once again I was not disappointed. Cant wait for the next story in the Bennett series.
This book was so freaking good
From the story line to the characters
I can’t wait to read more form the author
Whew... Benji & Rianna were taken through the wringer in Unjust Love; by each other and their families! It seemed that every time they took two steps forward, life happened and the setbacks seemed as if they would never stop. Although they were both highly successful in their respective careers, that didn't stop them from experiencing things would have broken the average person. I was so happy that through it all they were able to find their happily ever after!
Now I am ready for Lexi & Shooter... Like really ready for these two as well as Imani and Sebastien.
Beautiful story
Kinda wish the 3rd book was out already
But this was a really good read.
Black Love
Thats life